十大关键技能 10 Target Skills |
体现该技能的新托福题型 Toefl iBT Tasks |
技能1 |
Making inferences |
阅读: Making inferences from information in the passage Making inferences about the author’s purpose Understanding how new information fits into the passage 听力: Making inferences from information in a talk or conversation Making inferences about a speaker’s purpose and attitude |
技能2 |
Identifying and using main ideas and details 识别及运用文章大意及细节
阅读: Basic understanding questions Summary and fill in the table questions 听力: Basic comprehension questions Connecting content questions |
技能3 |
Skimming and scanning 跳读和查读
阅读: Basic information questions 口语: Reading/Listening/Speaking questions 写作: Reading/Listening/Writing questions |
技能4 |
Using context clues 运用上下文线索
阅读: Adding new information to a passage Understanding the author’s purpose 听力: Understanding a speaker’s purpose and attitude |
技能5 |
Summarizing 篇章总结
阅读: Summary and fill in the table questions 口语: Integrated Reading/Listening/Speaking Integrated Listening/Speaking |
技能6 |
Paraphrasing 措辞变换 |
阅读: Paraphrasing questions Integrated Listening/Speaking Integrated Reading/Listening/Speaking 写作: Integrated Reading/Listening/Writing |
技能7 |
Using detailed examples 运用细节性的例子 |
口语: Independent Speaking 写作: Independent Writing |
技能8 |
Identifying and using rhetorical structures 识别和运用修辞结构
阅读: Rhetorical purpose questions 听力: Understanding organization questions Connecting content questions 口语: All Speaking questions 写作: All Writing questions |
技能9 |
Comparing and contrasting 对比和对照 |
口语: Reading/Listening/Speaking questions 写作: Reading /Listening/Writing questions |
技能10 |
Identifying and using cohesive devices 识别和运用衔接手段 |
口语: All Speaking questions 写作: All Writing questions |
当前位置:主页 > 英语学习 > 英语考试 > 托福 > >
来源::未知 | 作者:金鲨银鲨游戏_澳门现金网-【平台*官网】 | 本文已影响 人
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